Watermaster levies assessments to cover the annual budgeted expenses and replenishment obligation. The replenishment rate includes the current Metropolitan Water District's (MWD) Full Service Untreated Tier 1 Rate, Orange County Water District's Connection Fee, and the delivering agency's surcharge. To view prior years' Assessment Packages please see the Section below.
Current Adopted 2024/2025 Assessment Package (Based on Production Year 2023/2024)
Watermaster's budget includes Administrative costs, Debt Service, OBMP and Special Project expenses, and Replenishment obligations. The budget also includes other expenses incurred by the Pools that are funded through Watermaster.
Watermaster's financial statements are prepared in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Our internally prepared financial statements are audited annually. Audited Financial Statements are included in Watermaster's Annual Reports. To view prior year's audited financials please see the corresponding Annual Report in the Section Reports - Annual.
Watermaster's investment policy is reviewed, updated, and adopted every year in January. This policy is effective from the date of its adoption until the next annual policy has been adopted.
All Assessment Packages are available to view.
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